The 2014 Annual Business Meeting was called to order by Director General Donald Hansen who welcomed all in attendance. Hansen led the group in the Shrine “Pledge of Allegiance”. The invocation was given by Ill. Sir John Chambliss, PGM of Virginia and Potentate of Kazim Temple. Next Hansen introduced Myrtle Beach Public Information Officer Mark Kruea and City Council member Randal G. Wallace who welcomed everyone to Myrtle Beach telling them how much they appreciated the Shriners choosing this location and that they hoped the group would return for many years to come. He gave a thumb nail sketch of what the beach area had to offer. Ill. Sir Richard Burke, Potentate of Yaarab Shriners, Atlanta, GA was introduced and welcomed to the South Atlantic Shrine Association. He in turn introduced the Divan members he had with him. Yaarab was in attendance to consider joining SASA. Administrator Randy Romberger of the Greenville Shriners Hospitals for Children was introduced next and gave those in attendance and updated what was new at Shriners Hospital in Greenville. The annual Memorial Service was held next honoring those Nobles who had been called by the “Black Camel” since last year. The service was led by Ill. Sir John Chambliss, SASA Chaplain. President Donald Ratliff introduced the SASA officers as follows: Noble W. Calvin Gaddy, Secretary/Treasurer; Ill. Sir Gregory C. Diffenderfer, PP (Jericho), 5th Vice President; Ill. Sir Steve Norris, PP (Sudan), 4th Vice President; Ill. Sir Stephen G. Tucker, P (Jamil), 3rd Vice President; Ill. Sir George M. “Mike” Mathews, PP (Rizpah), 2nd Vice President; Ill. Sir Edward L. Everhart, PP (Kerbela), 1st Vice President. Next he introduced those Imperial Officers in attendance. They were: Past Imperial Potentate Alan W. Madsen (Oasis); Imperial Outer Guard Kenneth G. “Kenny” Craven (Omar) (who had not arrive yet); Deputy Imperial Potentate Jerry G. Gantt (Arabia); and Imperial Potentate Dale W. Stauss (Kem) Lisa Gantt gave a presentation on First Lady Cheryl Stauss’ project for the year, which is a beautiful Noble’s tie. She invited those present to drop by the Shrine Marketplace and purchase one of these ties and help Shriners Hospitals. At this point the visitors and Ladies were excused prior the business of the session beginning. Secretary/Treasurer Calvin Gaddy called the roll of the representatives; he noted that all the officers were in attendance along with six past presidents. One hundred and twenty-five representatives were in attendance. A motion was duly made , seconded and carried to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the previous meeting. Secretary/Treasurer Calvin Gaddy gave a financial report as follows: At the beginning of the year, October1, 2013, he reported that the checking account (Wells Fargo) contained $61,469.56 and the savings account (Wells Fargo) contained $55,684.85 giving a balance on hand of $117,154.41. Form the checking account checks during the year totaled $11,438.32, deposited totaled $45,552.22. With interest during the year the accounts as of August 31, 2014 are as follows: checking, $95,582.46 and savings $55,732.28 for a total of $151,314.74 in the bank. A motion was duly made, seconded and carried to accept this report. Ill. Sir Bill Harward (Oasis) chairman of the Finance & Audit Committed reported that he examined the records from the spring meeting and had found all in order. A motion was duly made, seconded and carried to accept this report. 1st Vice President Edward Everhart, chairman of the Time & Place Committee as follows: 2015, Spring, Pigeon Forge, TN, March 26-28 2015, Fall, Myrtle Beach, SC, September 17-19 2016, Spring, Nashville, TN, March 17-19 2016, Fall, Myrtle Beach, SC, September 15-17 2017, Spring, Columbia, SC, March 31 & April 1 2017, Fall, Myrtle Beach, SC, TBA. A motion was duly made, seconded and carried to accept this report. Ill. Sir Ray Fields (Amran) Chairman of the Nominating Committee reported that the nominating committee recommended the following officers be elected: President Ill. Sir Edward L. Everhart; 1st Vice President Ill. Sir George M. Mathews; 2nd Vice President Ill. Sir Stephen G. Tucker; 3rd Vice President; Ill. Sir Steve Norris; 4th Vice President Ill. Sir Gregory C. Diffenderfer; and Secretary/Treasurer Noble W. Calvin Gaddy. President Ratliff opened the floor for any additional nominations; a motion was made, seconded and carried that the slate be elected by acclamation. Ill. Sir Fields reported that the Nominating Committee recommended that that Ill. Sir Douglas K. Stalnaker, PP of Nemesis be nominated for the office of 5th Vice President. President Ratliff opened the floor for any additional nominations, a motion was made, seconded and carried that Ill. Sir Stalnaker be elected by acclamations. Ill. Sir Edward Everhart presented the budgets for the spring and fall explaining changes in the Fall Festival for the coming year. Everhart stated that the spring budget had income of $24,400.00 income with $11,400.00 coming from the SASA account, expenses in the amount of $24,400.00. The fall budget showed an income of $218,725.00 and expenses of $193,730.00 for and income of $24,975.00. Secretary/Treasurer Calvin Gaddy presented the Secretary/Treasurers budget for the ensuing year, it reflected an income of $17,400.00 with a $11,400.00 loan and a loan of $2,600.00 to pay for liability insurance. Other income will be dues for 18 Temples at $200.00 each for a total of $3,600.00. Expenses for operation of SASA budgeted are $25,840.00. The budget reflects a loss of $8,240.00. A motion was made, seconded and carried to approve the Secretary/Treasurers budget. 4th Vice President Steve Norris who serves as SASA Membership Chairman gave a report on membership and an upcoming membership meeting; he noted the work needed to be done in this area. Ill. Sir James E. “Ed” Stolze, Jr., PP (El Zaribah) and Ill. Sir Richard Burke, P (Yaarab) candidates for Imperial Outer Guard spoke in behalf of their candidacy. Director General Don Hansen gave an update on the schedule for the remainder of the weekend. Deputy Imperial Potentate Jerry Gantt spoke to the body regarding the need to increase the Temples per capita tax and why it was need. Much discussion followed. Imperial Potentate Dale Stauss was the last to speak giving remarks regarding his year. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 3:34 pm. Respectfully submitted, W. Calvin Gaddy Secretary/Treasurer |